From: Bill Gowen <>
Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2006 14:22:04 -0000

I have a couple of suggestions for the INAV staff which I would like
to share with the list membership as a whole:

1. Many have asked about an electronic delivery of INAV and reasons
have been offered for not doing it that way. Here's an alternative -
how about electronic copies for those who want it that way and paper
copies for the others? I am presently in charge of the electronic
distribution of my club newspaper and it takes maybe 30 seconds to
send it out. Doing a split delivery system would obviously reduce the
work load and expense of getting an issue out. I would MUCH prefer an
electronic copy. I can store thousands of documents on my computer and
access them any time I need to. My copies of INAV are in bulging
binders that are heavy and cumbersome. A lot of times I will trust my
memory instead of trying to find something in my hard copies. At my
age this is not always a good idea!

2. I have been told many times that INAV is an all volunteer effort.
My literal interpretation of this is that there's not supposed to be
any money left over after printing and delivery costs are paid. If
this is the case, and if electronic delivery is essentially free of
both expense and work, why is it necessary to charge for INAV? If a
subscriber wants to get a hard copy there could be a subscription fee
that would cover the costs of providing it. For those receiving an
electonic copy it would just be a matter of asking to be on the list.

I would be interested in hearing both from the editors and publishers
of INAV as well as the list membership in general.
Bill Gowen
Decatur, GA USA
Received on Sat Oct 07 2006 - 07:22:23 CEST

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