> Goodness Gentlemen, I thought highschool was bad... Is it not possible for
> us to just talk about indoor building and flying without the emo
> melodrama? I'd like to prepose a side group for people that want to bash one
> anther. that way those who would like to talk about indoor stuff wouldn't be
> bothered and those that need something to pass time would still be
> fullfilled. I Would not be any where close to were I am with flying, or my
> knowlege of aeronotics(limited as it may be) without the help of the indoor
> community. Thus I will always be gratefull to everyone on this list and
> everyone that flyies. Furthermore I hate to see wonderfull resorces that Ive
> been given dissappear for future flyers; and so if at all possible can we
> not just enjoy the comrodery that flying affordes us?
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> ------------------------------
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Received on Mon Apr 24 2006 - 11:20:11 CEST