"Standard Glass" Cat II SCLG

From: doctorgonzo788 <doctorgonzo788_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 20:36:18 -0000

Just added a pic of my new glider for Kent, "Standard Glass."

The model weighs 2.75g, and if you look carefully at the LE you can
see where it gets its name. The spar system consists of CF rovings
under a .75oz S-glass bias wrap. The fiberglass goes back to just
behind the hign point. Stiff as all hell torsionally. The wing is
removable and incidence is adjustable.

I'm building her a slightly more anorexic little sister, hopefully get
it in at 2.2g with the same kind of construction.

I've been applying glass with a light mist of 3M77 as a secondary
adhesive (just to get it positioned and stuck down), and wetting it
out with ambroid. The finished product is strong enough that I have
abandoned conventional LE protectors altogether.

If there's time, I'll crank out one more big HLG before we hit the
road, with similar construction.

Back to sanding

Received on Wed Apr 19 2006 - 13:36:30 CEST

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