Re: Ministick/EZB/PennyPlane for beginners
As we all know: once you have the various techniques, building
something like a LPP is pretty easy. But well designed kit could be
just the ticket for bringing someone into the "I can do it myself"
range. I think it's a great idea. Hey, maybe we could all be
distributors with a kiosk at the mall at xmas time, like the guy with
those plastic helicopters <G>
Lots of prefab would be great (prop blades, prop hanger, tissue tubes,
wire parts, etc.)
As far as square vs. rounded tips, dihedral vs. tip plates, etc.: I'd
do a little focus group test. Get some novices to assemble the
variations and see which come out best.
I'd guess that a Bank's LPP would have a good success rate.
Received on Wed Mar 08 2006 - 11:39:47 CET
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