Indoor building and flying, Christmas version
It's OK to brag about whatever indoor building and flying goodies
y'all get this Christmas. One flyer I read about just recieved a
sparklin' Geauga winder. Now *that's* a haul, considering those
aren't being sold at the moment.
OT: Some of the indoor gentlemen we take for granted may not be with
us this time next year. Call them this holiday if you possibly can.
I'm going to call Warren Williams, although I only met him once about
7 years ago. He gave me his card, and I still have it.
A new member and long time flyer, Roger Shroeder, sent this, and it
probably speaks for all of us, so hope he doesn't mind me quoting...
<<It is Christmas time again and shortly a new year will start. This
my opportunity to thank all of you out there on the internet for
my friend and helping me enjoy our hobby. Merry Christmas and happy
New Year to all.>>
Received on Sat Dec 24 2005 - 10:06:14 CET
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